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Trigonocephaly accounts for approximately 10% of all craniosynostosis. Severe trigonocephaly results in a triangular-shaped forehead, superior-lateral orbital depression, hypotelorism, and compensatory occipital-parietal calvarial changes. Radiographic findings include ovoid orbits with parallel medial borders, thickened keel-shaped frontal bone, small ethmoid sinuses, and a short anterior cranial fossa with pitched sphenoid wings. Our experience with 50 infantile cases of severe nonsyndromic trigonocephaly patients treated from 1987 to 2005 is clinically reviewed to assess long-term growth based on a standardized operative technique. The average age of the patients at surgery was 6 months and the mean follow-up was 12 years. Our complication rate was 2%; the reoperative rate was 12%. The use of resorbable rigid plate fixation combined with alloplastic augmentation has improved the cosmetic outcome in patients treated since 1996 and reduced the reoperative rate.

(C) 2006 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.