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Comparison of ABR Amplitudes with TIPtrode(TM) and Mastoid Electrodes. Bauch, Christopher D. PhD; Olsen, Wayne O. PhD [Miscellaneous] Ear & Hearing. 11(6):463-467, December 1990.
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ABR evaluations were completed for 36 adults (18 males, 18 females) having normal hearing sensitivity and for 91 adult patients having various degrees of sensorineural hearing loss. Amplitudes of waves I and V were compared for ear canal (TIPtrode(TM)) electrode and mastoid electrode recordings. lnterpeak intervals (1-III, III-V, and I-V) were determined and upper 95% confidence limits defined for normative data. In general, amplitude of wave I was larger when TIPtrodes were used. Wave V amplitude was nearly identical for the two electrodes. Wave I was identified more frequently for TIPtrode than for mastoid recordings of ABR waveforms for the sensorineural hearing loss subjects.
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