Neoliberal-Oriented Health Care System Answer to Global Competition or a Threat to Health Equality for People With Chronic Illness.
Maria del Pilar, Camargo Plazas PhD; Cameron, Brenda L. PhD, RN; Smith, David Geoffrey PhD
Advances in Nursing Science.
35(2):166-181, April/June 2012.
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The aim of this article is to explore how a neoliberal-oriented health care system affects the experience of people living with chronic illness. We report findings from a critical hermeneutic phenomenological research study that explored how the social, economic, and political structures impinge on the lives of people with chronic illness. Research findings of this study show how the people with chronic illness in Colombia live through the effects and pressures of globalization and corporate agendas. Results also showed how the marked social inequities caused by the unequal distribution of power, services, and goods leads to health inequities and social exclusion of research participants.
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